Tuesday, December 30, 2008

HoneyThe Oldest Malay Medicine

Honey is one of the oldest Malay Medicine ingredient widely and traditional used in any of Malay Medicine. Honey mostly add to raw chicken egg and mix with other herbs such as turmeric, ginger and many other secret ingredients.

Eating honey with raw eggs in Malay Medicine have many purpose, mostly to give instant energy for man before having sex with their wife, while for women eating honey with chicken eeg and turmeric will give energy and keep the preserve beautiful and the women looks younger and healthier.

Honey also can be taken raw, a table spoon in the morning and another table spoon before go to sleep, it belief to man and women healthy

Monday, December 29, 2008

Malay Medicine Secret

Malay Medicine Secret reveal the safe guard of malay medicine that have been kept secret from the world of westerners. The Malay Medicine involve many thing such as herbs, scare animal parts,fruit, nut and also some secret charm that have been practiced in Malays society from generation to generations.

Malay Medicine used to cure a lot of disease in traditional ways this is practice by special man in the Malay community call 'bomoh' or the medicine man. Malay Medicine formula, herb or charm are well guarded by 'bomoh' or been taught to close relative or to those that only the bomoh knows who is suitable can learned the Malay Medicine.

Now adays some of the Malay Medicine have been comercialize to make it available in the market or sundry shop and some of the Malay Medicine being exsported to europe or marketed through internet to meet the market demand.

This blog Malay Medicine Secret will reavel the scare and well kept Malay Medicine .
@ 2008 Malay Medicine Secret